音楽:Bach: Art of the Fugue を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[Bach Art]←を指定して商品探す /[2008-06-11のランキング]を見る


↓↓↓↓Bach: Art of the Fugue↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Bach: Art of the Fugue


Album Description
Pierre-Laurent Aimard's debut on Deutsche Grammophon is the first recording of the mystical The Art of Fugue by a world-renowned pianist in 25 years. As a pre-eminent performer of modern music, Aimard brings a unique and exciting approach to his first ever Bach recording also serving as his first recording of Baroque repertoire.

Given his links to many of the great contemporary composers, the high-profile Aimard is certain to generate much interest in the musical press with his first Bach recording. Aimard will perform The Art of Fugue in many musical venues around the world, in cities including New York, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Tokyo.

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↓↓↓↓Bach: Art of the Fugue↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Bach: Art of the Fugue
↑↑↑↑Bach: Art of the Fugue↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

CD 販売のバナー広告



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